Using Your Brain for a Change
My first Richard Bandler book, and still one of the best. A great introduction to submodalities and playing with your own brain.
For many people, Richard's name is synonymous with NLP.
I have attended many of Richard's trainings, and read almost all of his books. While there are other authors who have written some really good NLP books, I always advise people to go to the source - and with all due respect to John Grinder, Richard's books are far more appropriate for beginners.
Richard also has some really good (if a little expensive) CDs. Along with Paul McKenna, Richard's CDs are probably the only CDs that I use again and again.
Richard trains with various organizations mostly in the US and the UK. Most of my trainings were during the late 90s when he did a lot of work in the UK with Paul McKenna, and Michael Breen. Today, he trains mainly with John La Valle.
My first Richard Bandler book, and still one of the best. A great introduction to submodalities and playing with your own brain.
Learn how to sell by developing your persuasion skill - the Richard Bandler way.
An exquisite and unsual NLP book in so many ways.
My favorite book on Hypnosis - after reading this you may even find yourself hypnotising people without thinking about it!
Richards most 'self-help' book - and a good introduction to many NLP concepts.
In many ways a follow up to 'Using Your Brain for a Change' - more advanced and more intreging.
This is the beginning. Where it all started - for me.
The obvivious destination after the practitioner training, but very different and very cool.
A new way and very cool way of using the NLP technology
On day one - a room of nerves. By the end - a room of friends and great memories.
DHE seems to have disappeared from Richard Bandlers itinery at the moment - a major pity.
For good reasons there are no spoilers in my review of Shamanics. Sometimes the less you know the better!