NLP Therapy and Coaching Consultations with Chris Harrison
As of May 12th 2014 I am unable to take on any more clients. If you wish to work with me, then please contact PlanetNLP and I will keep you informed of when I am available.
I'm an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, certified by the Society of NLP and trained by Richard Bandler. Currently I am offering NLP therapy and coaching consultations over Skype, specializing in Social Anxiety/Social Phobia and Confidence.
What issues can I help with?
NLP can be used to resolve numerous problems. Over the years I have worked with many different issues including the following:
Social Anxiety/Social Phobia
- Do you want to feel relaxed in social situations?
- Do you want to feel that people around you like you and value your input?
- Do you want to be confident talking to strangers?
- Do you want to be able to hold flowing conversations that you can get lost in rather than fear embarrassing yourself or boring people into a coma?
Social Anxiety (social phobia), along with Self-Confidence are the areas in which I specialize.
Social Anxiety is an especially debilitating problem, and though it comes in many different forms with many different elements, improvement can usually be made quickly and clients are often surprised how much they can change.
A lack of confidence can cause problems that affect every area of your life from work to relationships.
For presentations and job interviews, or just getting through the modern, hectic working day, self-confidence is a must and a small nudge in the right direction can create an incredible change.
Most people in the personal development world think confidence is simply about creating a big mental state and then bulldozing your way through problems and situations. This really isn't the way it is for many people. Your goal should be to learn to act unhindered by a lack of confidence rather than develop an act that gets you through. It's just far too tiring to play that game. Confidence should be effortless, and that is my goal for you.
Phobias can be really scary. We've all seen grown men shake uncontrollably at the thought of touching a snake or even popping a balloon.
Whether it's a fear of flying, spiders, or whatever, it doesn't really matter.
Phobias seem to be terribly misrepresented by the media, and are normally very simple to fix, usually in a single session.
Quitting Smoking
Currently, smoking seems to be public enemy No.1.
If you'd like help quitting before it becomes impossible to smoke anywhere, then get in touch.
A few sessions can make a huge difference to the likelihood of you quitting and staying quit.
Can't leave the house without checking the everything is unplugged?
Can't leave that last piece of chocolate cake until tomorrow?
Compulsions such as these can be fixed easily and usually within a single session.
Weight Loss
When it comes to weight loss the result usually comes from a number of small changes that work together to improve your quality of life, health, and life expectancy. These changes include the following:
- Gain the motivation to exercise and actually enjoy and look forward to it!
- Gain the motivation to eat right and enjoy learning about nutrition.
- Remove eating compulsions so that your mind doesn't torture you with thoughts of those foods you love.
- Stop fearing the gym and the people who frequent there.
- Change your Body Image and develop a strong binding internal representation that you will want to achieve.
What would it be like if you were really motivated to get those unpleasant jobs done or to get outside and lose that weight?
What if the tasks you really want to perform were as enjoyable as watching your favorite television program, eating your favorite meal, or partaking in your favorite bedroom activity (whatever that might be?).
What is an NLP Consultation like?
A major part of our time will be spent uncovering exactly what processes and strategies you are running that cause the issues you are dealing with. Far too many NLP practitioners simply try to match the client's problem to a specific NLP technique and then, when the technique doesn't achieve the desired outcome, wonder what went wrong.
It makes much more sense to identify the change required as specifically as possible.
During a free introductory consultation we will focus on identifying these rogue processes so that we can decide specifically what work needs to be done.
Once the problem and desired outcome have been identified then it's simply a case of building the new behaviors required to reach your goal and deal with any further issues as they come up. This may involve specific NLP exercises or may be done purely through conversation.
So what now?
As of May 12th 2014 I am unable to take on any more clients. If you wish to work with me, then please contact PlanetNLP and I will keep you informed of when I am available.

Before working together it is important that you understand what I can do for you, how I work, and for me to decide whether a series of NLP consultations is in your best interests and will provide the help you need.
To ensure that this is the case please book a free 30 minute introductory consultation or if you'd prefer contact PlanetNLP with a brief description of your issue prior to your free session.
Assuming that I feel I can help you resolve your issue, and you are happy to go ahead, then you can book a standard 60 minute session at a time that suits you.
You will require Skype running on your PC, Mac, or ipad. This can be downloaded from Skype Download.
If you would like help with an issue that isn't covered above, or if you require more information on my NLP consultations or any aspects of the NLP therapy I offer, then please contact