Paul McKenna - hypnosis and NLP - about Hypnotist Paul McKenna
Paul McKenna's Background

Paul is probably the most famous Stage Hypnotist in the world. From his early days as a stage hypnotist, he is now one of the top personal development entrepreneurs on the planet, most recently appearing in television programmes in the UK helping people lose weight and deal with issues such as phobias and confidence.
Paul started out as a radio DJ. He didn't become interested in Hypnosis or NLP until a stage hypnotist 'appeared' on his radio show at Capital Radio. Paul started by performing small stage hypnosis shows while still working as a DJ, eventually getting a tv break with the programme 'The Hypnotic World of Paul Mckenna' in 1993.
Eventually Paul trained with Richard Bandler, and it wasn't long before Paul set up McKenna Breen with Michael Breen, and started running NLP courses in the UK with Richard Bandler as their main NLP trainer.
For whatever reason, McKenna Breen is no more, which is a shame because the three trainers had such different styles and the events always had a buzz about them. I have never seen such camaraderie or energy at any other NLP events, though Meta-NLP's events come close.
Paul provides his own courses, mostly on subjects such as weight loss, or personal success, occasionally coming together with Richard Bandler for individual events.
Michael Breen still holds courses through MBNLP that are more NLP-centric in that they are aimed at NLP practitioners rather than people with specific issues to resolve..
Over Paul's career, he has published many books and CDs. Paul's CDs along with Richard Bandler's, are probably the only CDs that I use again and again.
For information on Paul's products and events checkout Paul's web site.
Paul McKenna the Hypnotist - Paul's McKenna's Hypnosis Techniques
Even though Paul has experience in NLP, EFT, and more recently Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi's 'Big Mind', most of his recorded work still centers on fairly standard hypnosis with a bit of NLP thrown in for good measure. He has definitely moved away from training therapists (NLP Practitioners and Master Practitioners) towards helping individuals with their issues.
It's pretty clear that Paul's approach to his work is simply to find stuff that really works and then learn as much as he can about it, from those who are the best at it.
Paul has probably done more to increase the interest in hypnosis as a viable therapeutic approach here in the UK than anyone else.
For Information about Paul's Books read Paul McKenna - NLP Book and Training Reviews