NLP Telemarketing Techniques - NLP tricks and tips for successful Telemarketing


I remember very distinctly the first time I noticed someone trying to use NLP telemarketing techniques over the phone, specifically because they slipped up. There is a description of this incident in the article Is it ethical to use NLP for sales?

NLP is often used in telemarketing and particular elements of NLP do lend themselves very well to the medium of telephone conversations, but it is very easy to get it wrong. Using a script with NLP language patterns embedded within is a recipe for disaster. Without the skills to deliver NLP language patterns fluidly they tend to stand out like a sore thumb and even people who know nothing about NLP will sense that something strange is going on.

The first skill to learn is rapport. Now some people may think that your ability to gain and maintain rapport during a phone conversation is limited, but so is your ability to mess it up. The key elements to match are voice tone and tempo. Read up on NLP Rapport Techniques for more details on how to use this NLP telemarketing technique.

The classic yes frame is often used in telemarketing. Personally I'm not mad on this technique as I think its about as subtle as a brick, but in case you'd like to try it out, this is simply where you ask questions that are bound to receive a yes response such as 'do you want to save money?', prior to asking the question where you want a yes answer to. Subtle it isn't.

The usual NLP language patterns are useful for NLP telemarketing. I specifically like the future pacing pattern that are described in the article NLP Sales Techniques. This is a very useful NLP technique especially at job interviews. Actually most of the information in that article is relevant to telemarketing with NLP so do check it out.

Another language/rapport technique that can make a huge difference to your NLP telemarketing success is the use of sensory language. This is a dynamite way to improve your rapport, and ensure that the customer feels that you are both on the same wavelength as them, and that you understand what they are saying.

To improve your telemarketing also learn some Milton model patterns. Linkage patterns are especially useful - 'the more you think about the deal the more sense it makes'.

Embedded commands are also useful - 'I don't know if you want to BUY TODAY'.

The third most useful group of patterns for NLP telemarketing are presuppositions - 'Are you able to decide to buy today, or should I let you think about it overnight'.

To make the most of the NLP language patterns remember to listen. You can only list back the customers wishes and concerns (using the correct sensory language) if you actually listen to what they say, and you can only listen if you allow them to speak.

The biggest logistical problem a telemarketer has is preventing the customer simply putting the phone down. If you can find a way to intrigue the customer then you are halfway there.

One way to keep a customer interested is to ensure that you are in a positive and friendly state yourself, otherwise no one will let you get passed the first couple of sentences. Practice NLP state management to ensure that every call you make has the best chance of success.

Finally, practice, practice, practice. Write out the language patterns you want to use in your calls. The best way to do this is to pick on a pattern such as embedded commands and list as many as you can, then pick a handful that you think will be the most useful and keep them by the phone. Experiment to find out what works for you, and keep learning. Eventually you will find that all these NLP telemarketing techniques come naturally.


Previous comments

Scripts don't work

I used to use a written script for phone calls, but its too distracting, and you're right its easy to trip yourself up. Now I've practiced much more with the language patterns I just make a few notes before the call and then trust myself to use the appropriate language as I when I need.

Annie, York

Posted May 14, 2010 at 06:41