NLP Techniques


On I have split the techniques and exercises according to whether they are skills you use with other people, which are covered as NLP Techniques, or exercises that you can use on yourself which I have classed as NLP exercises. There are also a few NLP lessons which are longer articles covering specific skills.

For most people it's worth developing your NLP skills by working with your own mind and learning the NLP exercises first. That way you have something to do with other people, such as run through an NLP exercise such as the NLP Whiteout Technique, so that you to practice the skills presented below.

When learning NLP techniques, initially each can be practiced individually, but the long term goal is to seamlessly use the techniques whenever they are required.

Your goal is to eventually integrate the skills so thoroughly that you use them whenever appropriate without even thinking about it. I once remember having a conversation at an NLP Group in London where, during a post-exercise feedback session, a fairly new member asked 'What other NLP techniques can be used with this exercise?'. The obvious answer was 'well ALL of them'. The following techniques can all be practiced during, and used to enhance, any of the NLP exercises or NLP interventions you may wish to use with a client.

Also, don't forget the NLP Lessons that cover areas such as submodalities and content changes. These lessons provide the strong grounding in fundamental NLP concepts required for many of the NLP techniques and exercises.

General NLP Techniques

The following techniques provide the foundation skills for working with other people using NLP and Hypnosis. As in many areas of life, practice makes perfect, so its a good idea to choose a technique and focus on it for a few weeks before attempting to learn the other techniques.

Eye Accessing Cues

In NLP, Eye Accessing cues are one of the more controversial subjects - simply because for every NLP practitioner who believes they are a useful tool, there is someone who doesn't believe they work at all.

Pacing and Leading

When pacing and leading, pacing is simply the skill of gaining rapport with the client. Leading is what happens after this has been achieved.

NLP Modeling

NLP Modeling, whilst at the heart of NLP, seems to be a skill that many NLP practitioners don’t really have a good grasp of.

NLP Rapport Techniques

Rapport is simply about increasing the number of similarities between yourself and a client to allow them to relax and feel that you are like them. So how do you achieve this?

Rapport Training

Rapport is a very simple concept, and easy to learn It's the basis of pacing and leading and occurs when two or more people have something in common that allows them to feel connected.

NLP and Hypnosis Language Techniques

The following NLP techniques provide the foundation NLP and Hypnosis language skills for working with other people using NLP and Hypnosis. As in many areas of life, practice makes perfect, so its a good idea to choose a technique and focus on it for a few weeks before attempting to learn the other techniques.

NLP Meta Model

To get to the heart of any problem you have to ask the right questions - the Meta Model gives you the structure with which to achieve this.

NLP Milton Model

Some people consider the milton model to be the inverse of the meta model. Where as the meta model is about using questions to discover the clients world model, the meta model is a way to be artfully vague and hypnotic.
