NLP Sales Techniques


Somewhat like property being about location, location, location, when using NLP, sales is all about state, state, state.

For most people, it's simply about getting them into the correct buying state and then shoving the product in their face.

"Can you remember the last time you just had to have something?"

"Is there something you brought recently, just on impulse? You saw it and you had to have it?"

"What's something you just wouldn't hesitate to buy straight away?"

All these questions can be used to get someone moving in the right direction, and once you have them in state, you can anchor the state and access it when talking about your product.

The article Anchoring others for fun and profit covers this NLP sales technique in detail.

Dealing with objections

Whatever you're selling, there will always be objections.

Sometimes, they will be valid - it's simply the wrong product for the customer, but sometimes not.

As a salesperson, the best approach is to be prepared for objections, and already know what your response is likely to be should the objection occur.

In fact, a key NLP sales technique is to bring up the likely objections yourself as this will stop the customer in their tracks.

For instance:

"Now some people would say that this security system is too expensive, but then what price do you put on the safety of yourself and your family.

Imagine coming home and finding your house had been broken into, and you don't know where your children are, and even after everything has been fixed up, you can't walk in the front door without remember how awful it felt?"

Decision Strategies

Some people make buying decisions really difficult.

They may want to see several products before making a decision, they may just not like you or your company, or they may want to sleep on it.

So how do you get around the problem of people who need time to pass before they can make a decision? Is there an NLP sales technique to deal with this issue? Yes, there is.

Usually, these people have already made the decision, they just need to wait before actually parting with the cash.

No one really knows why, or what they think might happen in the required time frame, but these people will usually not budge.

So how do you speed up the time process? What NLP sales techniques should you use?

Well this can be done though a little time manipulation using hypnotic language as follows:

"Just think what it will be like once winter sets in, feeling safe in your protected house, looking back on today as the day you made such a valuable decision for you and your family."

How about that?

Simply take the person into a future where they feel good about the product and look back on the decision made today as being a good one.

This kind of time manipulation is is mentioned in the article Is it ethical to use NLP for Sales.

And what about you?

Your state is also important.

I can't count how many times I have been put off a purchase by a rude on unenthusiastic sales person. If you have trouble staying enthusiastic then perhaps you need to work on your own state. Read the exercise Create Powerful Anchors to help with this.

Another issue that comes up often is rapport?

Rapport is not considered as important as it used to be, but it can be useful to get good rapport with a customer right at the beginning of your interaction with them. Building Rapport covers this in detail.

The more you experiment with these NLP sales techniques, the better your results will become.


Previous comments

What I use

I always try to use the correct sensory language to make my clients, and speaking at the correct speed seems to make a huge difference.

The hardest part for me is remembering to use the NLP techniques in my NLP sales presentations. Its far too easy to just revert to my normal way of working. I guess I just need to keep practicing.

Annie, York

Posted May 8, 2010 at 11:48


Have you tried creating a really good state (checkout the nlp state management lesson) and anchoring it to a particular location, or something else so that you always use it when working with your clients?

Chris Harrison, UK

Posted May 14, 2010 at 20:36